Ctrl+Alt+Del, Releasing Your Past

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Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins

Fortunately for most of us, our lives aren’t in the spotlight so our trespasses will usually go unnoticed by the majority. That said, the world will always be less forgiving than God.

For those who haven’t been so fortunate, and were caught by the system, life moving forward will present its challenges dictated by those past wrongdoings.

Obtaining a new job with a criminal record for example, can present obstacles and cause a person to feel they’ll never be able to shake their history. Rather, each time they try, they may feel they’re constantly reminded of their previous life despite every attempt to create a new one.

This feeling some ex-convicts may experience, is something many of us indirectly impose on ourselves mentally. We may have lived a certain lifestyle in the past we wish we could forget and yet, we continue to hold ourselves mentally imprisoned.

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Experiencing guilt isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s good to have a level of self-awareness and feeling guilty (when it’s warranted), is a good sign you know the difference between right and wrong and can take accountability.

A guilty conscience becomes detrimental however, when despite acknowledging your wrongdoing and making amends where applicable, you continue to hold yourself mentally hostage.

From the relationship I’ve developed with God over the years and the continuous grace He’s shown me, I’ve learnt something fundamental. Once you’ve been cleared, it’s time to let go and move forward.

There’s absolutely nothing anyone can do about their past. What you can control however, is the decisions you make in future.

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I grew up surrounded by a church family and yet, many of the choices I made in my young adult years went against everything I said, I stood for.

I felt so ashamed and disgusted with myself, reasoning that all the woes I faced in life, were due to previous actions. The world may call it Karma, church folk may say it’s judgement. In my mind, the suffering was my penance for the wrong I’d done.

Little did I know however, that God doesn’t view it this way.

If you’ve ever read the parable of the prodigal son, the story of King David or the story of the woman caught in adultery, you’ll agree that God looks at the heart rather than actions. Something we all know, humankind isn’t quite accustomed to.

As humans, we can be selfish, depraved, greedy, gossip, mean to others, spiteful, envious, distasteful, and the list goes on. Despite all our hideous flaws, God designed a way for us to have a freedom we could choose – freely.

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My heart was always in the right place, I just fell prey to temptations which I can admit, provided short-term gratification at the time.

Once I understood God’s gracious nature however, I started to assess things differently. We all know love in one degree or another, but the love God has is the ‘Agape’ type – a limitless love without boundaries.

Dr Myles Munroe once pointed out, you won’t find one scripture in the Bible where God explains why He loves us, He chooses to.

I sat and thought about that a while and tears ran down my face. To know that despite my flaws and failings, God would love me anyway. It set me free from the prison of guilt in which I’d held myself captive. I let Him take the burden and began to free my mind.

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Who you were, never need become who you remain to be.

If you want a fresh start, you can have one, at any time you decide. As humans, we’re fundamentally flawed. We will always, no matter how hard we try, make mistakes. It’s a part of our humanity.

If your opinion about yourself is constantly unfavourable, it’ll burden your mental wellbeing and diminish your true potential. I did this an awfully long time, becoming hostage in my own body. Whatever’s happened in the past, is in the past, whether you like it or not.

Forgive yourself, release the guilt and actively take consistent productive steps moving forward.

Like I mentioned earlier, there are people who will never be able to escape their history in the eyes of the world and yet even for them, God’s grace is abounding.

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Most of us have been involved in things we never wish to speak out loud, and for which we’ve slowly learnt to despise ourselves. Our past no longer needs to define who we are. We have a choice to forgive ourselves. It’s beneficial to our wellbeing and future.

Perhaps you’re battling something you know is wrong but it’s tough to break away. Addictions aren’t just relative to the ones we’re all familiar with. It could be something inconspicuous and yet, the damage is substantial enough to potentially affect those close to you.

“God helps those who help themselves”. When we need saving, God expects us to play our part in faith. If you’re struggling, seek support. Go out of your way, for you, by any means necessary. You are worth the investment.

We’ve all done things we’re not particularly proud of. The real question is, how’s your past going to look when the next few years pass by? Looking back and seeing positive accomplishments, is worth fighting for.

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Forgive yourself, even if others don’t because not everyone will. If you’re a believer, seek God’s forgiveness too. Take the learning from those past hiccups and apply that learning moving forward to avoid future retakes.

Remember, as you’re trying, you’re likely to be doubted. There will be people who only remember you for your history. What will matter most however, is how God views you and how you view yourself.

Avoid the temptation of succumbing to the expectations of others.

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It’s a good thing we don’t exist to live for the pleasing of others. Stay focused on improving and ignore any outside noise. You have every right, to do things better.

Ctrl+Alt+Del on the past and start a new page on a future that could rewrite the book of your life. Don’t be the reason you’re held back because in truth, the only person that can hold you back, is you.

Release the past, start anew.

For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more – Hebrews 8:12


The Prodigal Son – Luke 15: 11-32

A woman caught in Adultery – John 8: 1 – 11