...He Gave His Only Son

"We were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life" Romans 5:10

From The Church To The World, And Back Again

In this day and age, many have forsaken the reverence of God our forefathers may have had. If you’ve read my small biography on my ‘About Annie’ page, you’ll note I mention I grew up in a Christian household with parents who held senior positions in Church ministry.

Up until I was 19, all I knew was church life. Morning devotions, evening devotions, midweek prayer meetings, Sunday church days you name it – we attended them all. I’d never experienced anything else. 

As I matured, I started working, made new friends and began to discover the world for myself. After being diagnosed with Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder, I called into question much of what I’d grown up believing – Why wouldn’t God heal me, I thought to myself. I’d served him most of my life, and yet I was suffering. 

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I’d been so shielded from the world, that once I found it, I thought I’d found a way of living that offered me the freedom to do what I wanted. And so, I did exactly that. From the church, I turned to the indulgencies the world had to offer and I loved it. I found real freedom – I thought.

I always felt in my gut however, that something was calling me. I’d partially abandoned God, so instead of turning to the church community, I turned to other communities instead. Despite my efforts to avoid God, the yearning within my gut didn’t budge. My condition was intensifying with each month. The pleasures of the world soon faded and in time, I’d hit rock bottom. 

As you know, I begun my self-development journey in 2019. Many church folk argue that self-help teachings are a means to rely on oneself and as such, make a mockery of God. My perspective differs. I’ve shared in the 7 minute video below. 

On my journey, I’ve discovered we have in-built tools given to us by God and he wants us to use them. There’s a real beauty, when you allow God to lead you in your journey. 

I started out depending on myself and I did pretty well still. Once I began to prioritise my relationship with God in everything I do however, things have excelled. I trust in him whole heartedly and I have a new found gratitude for life.

Seeking him on my own terms, has drawn me closer to him. There’s an undeniable peace I feel. My level of creativity is in constant supply and I can’t wait to wake up each morning and begin my day. If you told me some years back, this would be my life, I would have laughed. 

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The journey does begin with you because God can’t do the work for you. He’s given you what you need so you can take the necessary steps. All you need to do is take action and let your faith increase as you continue. I’m not too proud to say I depend on God. I’m equally not too humble to admit, I work hard too. In everything, I acknowledge and put God first. 

I’m no preacher. It’s partly the reason this page is a little inconspicuous. God’s love is never forced, and yet, it’s always available for those who seek it. Only a few may arrive here, and as you’re one of them I hope it’s encouraged you.

Remember, I’m no one special, I’m just like everyone else. I have my weaknesses and are innately flawed. God knew, so he provided a way forward. Life is so much sweeter, yours can be too. And like I mentioned in my above video, I hope you choose to join one of our live online services one day. It’d be wonderful to have you (details are below).

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Join Living Temples Ministries

People in worship in church
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About Us

Living Temples Church is on a mission to preach ‘Christ & Him Crucified.’ Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we strive to create a vibrant, international congregation with families, fostering love, unity, and spiritual growth through the teachings of the King James Bible. 

We’re not so focused on numbers, rather, we feel called to make a real difference in the lives of those in the community. Prison ministry, those with mental struggles and anyone seeking God’s guidance – to name a few.

No one should be written off. God’s love is abounding. He desires we live a life of emotional peace and freedom. We’re just here to helps others find it.

Join us Online

Our online services take place once a month, on the third Sunday of every month (unless stated otherwise for special services).

Our next live service will be on Sunday 15th December 2024 at 11am (BST – UK, London time)

The live link will be available by clicking ‘here’ shortly before the service begins. 

We look forward to worshipping with you and hope you will be blessed. 

What you are is God's gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.

When we work, we work. When we pray, God works.

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.